Frequently asked questions

Where are you located?

Drop in to our first retail location at 132 East Redwood Avenue in Fort Bragg, California. Or, you can find us at the Fort Bragg Farmer’s Market.

Do you deliver?

Sorry, not at this time.

Do you do events & parties?

We'll be offering catering for events & parties in the near future.

Do you offer pre-orders for donuts?

At this time we are unable to accommodate pre-orders for donuts.

Do you sell your donuts wholesale?

Not at this time however, we will be looking in the future for businesses we can partner with.

What types of donuts do you offer?

We offer classic yeast raised & buttermilk cake donuts.

Are your donuts gluten free?

No, however we'll be offering a gluten free cake donut in the future.

What kind of oil do you fry your donuts in?

We use Zero Trans Fat vegetable oil.

What are your donut flavors?

We make all glazes and fillings from scratch, using fresh fruit and natural ingredients. Our flavors rotate from month to month, based on the season.

Are there preservatives, or artificial flavors in your donuts?

We do not use any artificial flavors/colors, preservatives or stabilizers to improve the shelf life or appearance of our donuts. They are best enjoyed the same day they are made.

Do your donuts have dairy & egg?

Yes, our donut recipe includes butter, milk & eggs.

Do your donuts include nuts?

While our kitchen is not a nut-free cooking environment, our recipe does not include nuts of any kind. From time to time, we may feature a donut flavor utilizing nuts.

Are your donuts organic?

While our donuts are not organic, we strive to use the freshest ingredients possible, some of which are organic.

Are your donuts Vegan?

No, however we will be working on developing a vegan option in the future.

Are your donuts Kosher?

No, our donuts are not kosher certified.

Does Drop In Donut make charitable donations?

At Drop In Donut, we are committed to giving back to our community. We donate a portion of our proceeds annually to some of our favorite local charities.